Faceboook Ads And What They Do

1 Mar

Ads are ads are ads. That sounds repetitive, but that’s generally the idea for most people. An advertisement for whatever brand on whatever platform is the same. Well, yes and no. There are fundamental concepts and parameters similar with all ads. However, there are nuances that make each of them different. This is particularly the case when we are talking about Facebook Ads.

With how prevalent the practice of Facebook Marketing is in this modern age, it is slightly surprising that it can still mystify some. Facebook Marketing experts like Rachel Miller (through her outstanding Moolah Marketing course) work hard to demystify most of the ins and outs. However, there can be some blind spots that confuse a few folks.

Because Facebook Ads are the most effective advertising among social media platforms, it is prudent to look into the reasons how and why it works so well.

Facebook Ads and Traffic

Facebook remains the most widely used social media platform on the planet. The specific numbers are difficult to pin down. However, the monthly active users (MAUs) on Facebook are no less than 2.5 Billion. This number is as of December 31, 2019.

With this much user traffic that Facebook enjoys, there is little doubt why many businesses choose to advertise on it. Regardless of the size of a business, it can benefit from a consistent and effective Facebook Marketing campaign.

What is a Facebook Ad?

A Facebook Ad is a service provided by the platform for businesses to promote their brand. The Facebook platform provides advertising through publishing posts. These posts can take different forms. Aside from the standard photo or text post, these can also take the form of carousels, videos, and live feeds.
Facebook Ads on Mobile
The great thing about this is that Facebook helps track important statistics involving these ads. These can range from user demographic, activity, device source, and many others.

What Do You Need to Run Facebook Ads?

It comes as no surprise that one has to have a budget allocated to run a Facebook Ad. The platform may be free to use, but advertising comes at a cost. BUT it is at a very small cost when compared to others available on and off the internet.

Beyond the obvious need for a budget, Facebook recommends to have the following before running an ad:

  • Business Goal – What you want the Ad to achieve
  • Target – Who you want the Ad to reach
  • Feature – What do you want to include in the Ad (like a photo or video)

Generally, these ads are intended to accomplish a specified goal. Often, that goal is to increase the engagement to their page or website. More specific goals can be to boost sales or register new users, among others.

This is why targeting is important. You can customize the target audience. Customizability is key to accomplishing the goals for a Facebook Ad. The targeting groups can be age, gender, interests, locations, and websites. Furthermore, this can also include Facebook specific details such as Facebook connections, Facebook Groups, and Facebook pages that the demographic follows.

It goes without saying that the more specific the targeting is, the more effective it can be. If the targeting is too broad, it has lower chance of being effective. This is why customization is a key element.

Recently, Facebook has added the ability for businesses to exclude audiences. This is actually a good option. It breaks through the “noise”, making the marketing campaign more likely to reach that you want. All of this can be done through the Facebook Ads Manager interface (available to everyone who has a Facebook account).

So, Now What Comes Next?

Once a Facebook Marketing ad campaign is up and running, it is highly recommended to review the insights. The insights are generated through reports within the Facebook Business Manager. Ultimately, it is one thing to create a marketing campaign through Facebook, but how successful it is can only be determined after the fact. These insights and reports will help you decide how to go about any follow-up campaigns in the future.

You should review what works and what doesn’t. Check the patterns of your audience and the activities generated in engaging your posts. The more you know, the more you will be prepared for more ads. On that note, I highly recommend Rachel Miller’s Moolah Marketing. It is a resource that can help educate about the intricacies of Facebook Ad campaigns. You can check the full review!

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